An evaluation of the energy field of your coupleUne évaluation du champ énergétique de votre couple
After this reading, you may want to have your couple’s energy field assessed to see if the interpretation obtained corresponds to your own experience of the couple in its weaknesses and strengths. I will send you a diagram illustrating the reading that was done and detailing the interpretation. Do not be surprised if this reading turns out to be very accurate! If you wish, it will then be possible to carry out energy work on the couple, with follow-up, as explained further down on this page. See the options on the Services/Payments page of this website.
Photos from the book “Healing with the Light” by Barbara Brennan reproduced with permission
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Energy Work for Couples
The harmony of the couple derives from the relationship between the two partners: if one or both spouses began individual therapy, or if the couple started a therapeutic process, the relationship between the partners and their membership of the couple will be affected.
Personal Work
In individual work, the therapist helps the client explore the woundings that have generated defensive relational dynamics that are still in place. Although these may have been appropriate at the time, these dynamics and beliefs and the resulting images, limit the development of the person and diminish the relational capacity with others and with the environment in general.
In individual therapy, the partner involved changes and his or her relationship to the couple also changes. Any change in one partner affects the relationship. However the relationship is often not the subject of individual work, but rather a consequence of which we can not easily predict the outcome.
Couples Work
In couples therapy, relationship dynamics are reviewed and processed to generate a better harmony.
Water Treatments for the couple
In energy work for couples, a therapist can read and work directly on the collective field (aura) of torque as well as relational ropes binding a spouse to the other. This technique is as powerful as relevant.
Every human being has seven major energy centers; when two people enter into a relationship, links normally weave from one center to another. These links deserve to be maintained: it can accumulate stagnant energy, or links can break, thinning or thickening which undermines healthy interaction. Clean and repair these relational strings improve the relationship.
The energy field of the couple – how energy work applies to the collective field of the couple
A couple is a team composed of two people and their respective energy dynamics; this union creates a collective energy field with its own particular dynamics and the couple.
You can work on the energy field of the couple as well as on that of an individual to induce a wellness healer. For the couple work, the dynamic contribution of each partner is realigned, cleaned and repaired strings which restores creativity and relational harmony of the couple.
This work can be accomplished with Barbara Brennan Healing Science, advanced four-year program in energy science, including Roland graduated and he also holds a higher education degree.
The work progress is easy to follow thanks to the monitoring system of energy healing charter that developed Roland Bérard and he has exclusive rights (see article by reference).
The energy centers of torque – the chakras
As in the energy field of an individual, the scope of a couple has 7 main centers (or chakras – a Sanskrit word meaning wheel). These 7 centers allow us to engage with the world around us and also with each other.
If one of our chakras malfunctions, be harmonious relationship is much harder than it should.
Relationships governed by each chakra are:
- 1st– Quantity of Energy and Vitality, Sense of Belonging – This chakra governs or influences the couple’s energy level and vitality and their sense of belonging to the couple.
- 2nd– Creativity and Sexuality – This chakra influences the quality and quantity of creativity and the capacity to give and receive physical, emotional and spiritual pleasure including sensuality, sexuality and libido.
- 3nd – Sense of Purpose – This energy chakra influences the couple’s sense of purpose within the global context as well as its intention regarding the health of the couple.
- 4nd – Openness to Love – The heart chakra affects the couples capacity and openness to love, affectivity and intimacy as well as its ability to go with the flow.
- 5nd – Expression -The areas of relationship governed by this chakra are expression, communication and the feeling of its expression in society and to each other.
- 6nd – Ideas and concepts – This chakra governs the couples ability to visualize and understand concepts that are put forth, as well as the ability to put them into practice. It is often called the Mental Executive.
- 7nd – Mission – This chakra has to do with the couple’s Divine Mission. This is the spiritual aspect of the couple, even though spirituality may not be a part of the couple’s conscious identity.
Modifiers include the chakras that relate to Reason, Emotion and Will.
Ideally, decisions made by an individual or couple will use equally Reason, Will and Emotions.
Energy work tends to reinforce the changing weakest thus restoring the balance with the other two modifiers, and facilitating much asked decisions.
Each couple, in its collective expression, has a changing stronger, and often promoted, and another lower. In our society, the stronger is often the reason or the will (or a combination) and lowest Emotion. This means that in case the individual decision is a reason, or is showing will more often than he considers his emotions.
The intention of the couple or the Hara
The harmony that reigns in torque also depends on its alignment and intention to exist, or its mission, its ability to tap into its environment to find support feeding (feeding it and be supported) and its ability to feel his divine essence.
This guideline is known as Hara; sometimes it is broken or crooked or uneven (see reference article cited above). This will have a direct impact on the couple and its mission
Work on the Hara can be accomplished using the Science of Barbara Brennan. This is done during a session of energy work.
Energy Work on the couple
Energy work on a couple may be in person or remotely. An appointment is taken and relevant information is communicated to Roland before the appointment time.
During the meeting, the working acts on the energy field and the line of Hara. For remote working, an email is sent once the session has been completed relating to the interpretation of the reading of the energy field taken before the session, detailing the work and suggesting how to work with difficulties or perceived weaknesses to successfully harmonize the couple .
Reading the energy field is taken before each session and noted on the chart thereby making visual monitoring which illustrates the progress of work.
The painting, the image and the following graphs illustrate the initial reading of the energy field and gradual changes following the energy sessions with the couple John and Mary (names have been changed to respect their privacy).
initial field assessment and subsequent progress of the changes in the energy field can be seen below.
The next diagram illustrates the state of the chakras of the torque to the initial reading of the energy field. The chakras whose operation unsatisfactory are shaded.
The appearance of “A” is the chakra frontal and appearance “B” is back.
There is a direct link between the problems experienced by the couple and the dysfunctional chakras. For John and Mary, 7 chakras (5B, 4A, 3A, 3B and 2B) function well (not shaded). The chakras 6A, 6B, 5A, 4B, 2A and 1 are shaded and are not working optimally.
Here is a possible interpretation of these dysfunctions:
1st – Groundedness, sense of belonging
This chakra is not working harmoniously: it could mean that the partners do not have the feeling of belonging to the couple or the couple is not well rooted in its social environment.
After discussion, it turns out that there are two or three years, John and Mary moved to be closer to their families. Despite being ahead, their decision was not entirely unanimous. They now live an integration difficulty with their new environment, their home has foundation problems and relations with non-immediate family are very strained.
2ed – Creativity and Sexuality
The back aspect (2B – libido, creative energy) is working well and the front aspect (2A – quality of sexual life, quality of creativity) is not working harmoniously.
The couple has good creative energy and libido, but the pleasure of giving and receiving is not as mobilized and fluid as it could be.
3nd – Sense of Purpose of the Couple
Both aspects (3A and 3B) of this chakra work well. So the couple feels good about his place in the universe (front aspect) and has a positive intention to the health of the torque (rear aspect).
This was evident at the first meeting – both expressed a real desire to meet, to hand the dynamism and positive energy in the couple and to give it new meaning.
4ed – Heart
The appearance before (4A) works well. Each partner feels good the love they have for each other. By cons, rear aspect (4B) is shaded, so not harmonious.
The rear aspect is the use of the will in the couple. When dysfunctional, this demonstrates that a partner, or even both trying to control the course of events rather than trusting to life.
The love for one another was palpable in the room.
Seeing the diagram, one of the partners recognized his tendency to force things.
5nd – Communication and Expression
The rear part (5B) works well. This means that the couple feels good in its social expression. By cons, front aspect (5A) is dysfunctional, demonstrating that communication within the couple could be improved (express ideas and / or needs, and receive either let help).
6th- Understanding concepts and manifesting ideas
Both aspects (6A and 6B) are dysfunctional in this couple. This suggests that partners make it hard to share a common vision of life or even to explore the concepts (A) and therefore it becomes difficult to create common projects and put forward (B).Indeed, this was confirmed at the first meeting.
7nd – Connect to All
In this couple, this chakra works well. They are connected to the couple’s spiritual side.
was received to work
The work was spread over four sessions in six to eight weeks, as can be seen on the chart below.
By the nd second session, there was a new dynamic and a reconciliation between the couple. They no longer felt “in neutral”. They both did the work of introspection and managed to better communicate and listen better to each other. This had the effect of deepening their sense of belonging to the couple and allowed them to set up joint projects to transform their home. Things had become more fluid.
After the nd fourth session, there had been sufficient improvement to take a break so that they could integrate the work. Both felt more invested in the couple and seemed more solid as a couple. A follow-up about two months later confirmed continued positive progress.
Charter readings of energy centers
The next table illustrates the state of the chakras of the couple at the initial reading of the energy field. Dysfunctional chakras are shaded.
Looking at each line of the table, we see less and less dysfunctional chakras (shaded) on each subsequent line. Less gray areas in each session indicates that the field has cleared over time from debris and stagnant energy that impacted the harmony of the couple.
Overall Progress
This chart shows how the energy the torque has increased over time, as the number of dysfunctional centers decreases and the field becomes more harmonious. The partners have a better understanding of each other, communicate more easily together and enjoy a sense of belonging to the increased torque.
Graph of Modifiers
In this example, the major modifiers are Reason (yellow line) and Will (red line). The weaker the Emotion (green line). Reason and Will, rather than the prevailing emotions on decision making.
The graph shows the modifiers change recorded during the short time we worked together: modifiers moved away.
As the lines did not close, there is still work to be done if the couple found an optimal balance. The work having been switched on, it can be expected that eventually the lines closer together and remain stable.