This is an ongoing piece of work where I try to present the books I hold dear. You can order them by clicking on the image and that will take you directly to I include both English and French versions on this page.
Here I share with you what I find interesting in the books I’ve read. You can order them by clicking on the image, which will take you directly to I’ve included both the English and French versions on the page.
- Reiki and Energy Healing – Guérison énergétique et Reiki
- Psychotherapy and Personal Growth – Croissance personnelle
- EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
- Hakomi
- Health and Well-Being – Santé et bien-être
- Raw Food Cookbooks – livres de recettes – alimentation vivante
- Tantra and sexuality – Tantra et sexualité
- Others – Autres
Reiki and Healing – Guérison énergétique et le Reiki
Le Reiki – Puissant catalyseur
This book on Reiki is aimed at novices, practitioners and masters. In addition to introducing Reiki, its benefits and its use, it is intended as a practical guide for users and for the practitioner who wants to improve his or her state of being and presence with clients. Clear and simple, it’s within everyone’s reach. A must-have.
Reiki – A Powerful Catalyst
Curious about Reiki? Already a practitioner or Master/Teacher? This book is for you. In addition to introducing Reiki and all of its uses and benefits, it offers practical guidelines for its use and the journey of the practitioner to improve his or her own state of being and presence with the clients.
The Subtle Body
by Cindi Dale
Cindi does a really great job of describing the energy field and many different approaches to healing. A great resource book.
Eastern Body, Western Mind
by Anodea Judith
This book is a treasure! In it, Judith describes all aspects of the Chakras and explains the physical, emotional, mental, psyhcological and spiritual aspects of the chakras. She details how life experience affects the chakras and whether it is functional or dysfunctional, overused (excessive) or underused (deficient). She gives practical and meaningful ways to heal each one. A must for anyone working with chakras or wanting to understand them.
Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field
by Barbara Brennan
This book is a classic on the energy field and energy healing. Barbara presents the complete energy field, chakras, characterology (defense strategies) and more. Answers to many questions you may have been wondering about and did not know who to ask.
Le pouvoir bénéfique des mains
by Barbara Ann Brennan
A classic on the energy field and energy healing. Barbara introduces the energy field, chakras, defense strategies and much more. You’ll find answers to many questions.
Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing
by Barbara Brennan
In this book Barbara present the energy field and the path to healing in a way that is easy to grasp and understand. She also introduces the dimension of the Hara and Core Star.
Guérir par la lumière
by Barbara Ann Brennan
In this book, Barbara presents, in a less technical way than in her first book, the energy field and the healing path. She also introduces the dimensions of the Hara and the Core Star.
Empowerment Through Reiki: The Path to Personal and Global Transformation
by Paula Horan
This is still one of my favorite books on Reiki. Paula Horan does an excellent job of presenting this wonderful healing art that has its origins in Tibet.
Reiki, soigner, se soigner
by Paula Horan
This book is still one of my favorites on Reiki. Paula wonderfully presents this healing art that originated in Tibet.
Reiki – Way of the Heart
by Walter Lübeck
I love how Walter shows us how Reiki is linked to the heart and how he suggest to with with our relationship to the Inner Child.
Reiki, les voies du coeur
by Walter Lübeck
I really like the way Walter presents Reiki in this book and also how he weaves in the link to the heart and talks about how we can work with the inner child.
The Power of Reiki: An Ancient Hands-On Healing Technique
by Tanmaya Honervogt
A beautifully illustrated book on Reiki that presents the essentials and how and on what to use Reiki. The illustrations are just incredible. Just to look at a few pages will incite you to pick it up and bring it home!
Spirit of Reiki
by Walter Lübeck, Frank Arjava Petter and William Rand
These three Reiki Masters dug deeper into the history of Reiki and present lots of interesting information about how Reiki is still very active in Japan, as well as some original documents from Usui and Dr. Hayashi. It shows that the traditional story of Reiki and its legacy are somewhat different than what was reported and handed down by Hawayo Takata…..
La Quintessence du Reiki
by Walter Lübeck, Frank Arjava Petter and William Rand
A unique book containing all the riches of Reiki. It gives a scientific explanation of Reiki energy as well as showing us the Reiki spiritual path. This book presents the latest interpretations of Dr. Usui’s original healing methods and explains how they are practiced today in Japan. The authors also take stock of the development of Reiki in the West.
Hawayo Takata’s Story
by Helen J. Haberly
A wnderful and lively account of this great Reiki Master’s life and her passion for bringing Reiki to the world. We owe her a lot for her devotion, passion and guts. The words I remember from the book are how she was always saying “Do Reiki, do Reiki, do Reiki…..”.
The Ethics of Caring
by Kylea Taylor
I have not found very many books on the ethics of caring and how to apply that in therapeutic settings. This book is a valuable resource to read and have on hand if you are a therapist or considering being one.
Psychotherapy and Personal Growth – La psychothéraptie et la croissance personnelle
Inner Bonding
This is a wonderful book that shows you how you have been treating yourself as you were treated by reprimanding adults in your youth, and how you continue to do that to yourself now. It then shows you how to be a loving adult to that frozen child consciousness so you can take care of it in a new, wholesome way.
Renouer avec son enfant intérieur
It’s a wonderful book that shows you how to treat yourself the way you were treated in your youth by harsh adults, and how you continue to do it to yourself now. It then shows you how to be a caring adult for that frozen child consciousness so you can care for it in a new and healthy way.
The Undefended Self
by Susan Thesenga
This book, presented by Susan Thesenga, a Pathwork helper and pioneer, is invaluable in showing us the Mask Self, the Lower and Higher Self and how to work with them to grow in consciousness.
Creating Union
by Eva Pierrakos & Judith Saly
A wonderful book on how to create loving working relationships as inspired by the Pathwork lectures channeled by Eva Pierrakos.
Creating union
par Eva Pierrakos and Judith Saly
A beautiful book on creating loving relationships as inspired by Eva Pierrakos’ channelings.
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
by Debbie Ford
This is one of the books I recommend highly to all my students and many clients. It shows that what triggers us in others is really about those parts of us that we do not own and do not want to see – our Shadow. She then goes on to show us how to work with this and get beyond these limitations.
La part d’ombre des chercheurs de lumière 
by Debbie Ford
A book I recommend to all my students and many of my clients. This book introduces us to our Shadow and how seeing what triggers and disturbs us in others is actually a part of us that we don’t want to see. She then shows us how to work on it to overcome it. An absolute gem!
Loving What is: Four Questions that can Change your Life
by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell
A beautiful and simple way to really turn things around in your life and deal with the reality of what is, instead of how you would like it to be. I highly recommend this book.
Loving what is – towards the end of suffering
of Byron Katie et Stephen Mitchell
A simple and beautiful way to change what’s going on in your life and live with the reality of what is rather than what you want it to be. Highly recommended reading.
Non-violent Communication
by Marshall Rosenberg
An invaluable book on how to get in touch with what we are feeling and how to communicate to the other in truth, without blaming ourselves or the other and how to ask for positive change.
I love how Marshall says that anger is simply an emotion that helps us to recognize that a need is not being met, and how to deal with it so it does not get repressed and cause disease, or expressed in a way that may be harmful to ourselves and others.
Words are windows (or walls) – “introduction to non-violent communication»
by Marshall Rosenberg
A very special book that shows us how to contact what we feel and how to communicate it to others in our truth, without blaming ourselves or others, and also how to ask for positive changes.
I love the way he explains that anger is simply an emotion that signals to us that one of our needs has not been met, and how to ensure that it doesn’t become a disease by repressing it, or that it isn’t expressed in a violent way that hurts oneself or others.
Being Genuine: Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real
by Thomas d’Ansembourg
What a gem this book is! A perfect addition/extension of Marshall Rosenberg’s book on non-violent communication. The author gives many examples and interpretations of the method. Very inspiring and highly recommended!
Cessez d’être gentil soyez vrai!: Être avec les autres en restant soi-même
by Thomas d’Ansembourg
This book is a gem, a perfect addition to Marshall Rosenberg’s book on conscious, non-violent communication. It gives many examples and interpretations of this method. Very inspiring and strongly suggested!!
The Celestine Prophecies
by James Redfield
This beautiful book is one of the first that inspired me to discover the energy field and how it manifests in us. It is a very inspiring and exciting story of the discovery of foundational principles of energy exchange and ways of being. Read all of his books…..
Prophéties des Andes
by James Redfield
This book was one of the first to inspire me to discover the energy field and how it manifests. It’s an inspiring and poignant story of discovering fundamental principles about energy exchange and ways of being. Discover the whole series….
A New Earth
Eckhart Tolle
Q wonderful book on the Ego and all of its games. Eckhart tells us how it manifests, how to recognize it and go beyond it. He also introduces the Pain Body. I think I must have highlighted one or two sentences on every page!
La nouvelle terre
Eckhart Tolle
This is a wonderful book about the ego and all its games. Eckhart tells us how it manifests itself, how to recognize it and thwart it. He also talks about the pain body. I think I highlighted a sentence or two on every page!
Internal Family Systems
by Richard C. Schwartz
An ingenious method to work with internal parts that want to control our lives – Managers, Exiled and Firefighters. Richard describes how to use this to identify them and turn them into allies.
I use this approach in my therapy with clients since I have read the book.
EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
I introduce EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to all my clients because it’s so easy to learn and use. It can have significant results that last.
The EFT Manual
by Gary Craig
The basic manual introduces you to all the aspects of EFT and how to use it on yourself and others.
The EFT Manual
by Dawson Church
This is a new and completely revised edition of the original manual for Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed. Thousands of people tell amazing stories of how it has helped them with problems like pain and stress. Author Dawson Church is the best-known researcher in the field, and this manual is based on Clinical EFT, the only version of EFT to be validated in dozens of scientific studies.
EFT for Back Pain
by Gary Craig
This book is a really good guide to using EFT for back pain and introduces some great concepts on working with foregiveness and anger.
EFT for Weight Loss
by Gary Craig
Another wonderful book that shows you how to use EFT for cravings and all those underlying issues about why a part of you wants to keep the weight on and how to get to the bottom of it for succesful and lasting weight loss.
EFT for PSTD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
by Gary Craig
I have not yet read this book, but based on those I have read, I intend to get it and add it to my library.
EFT for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
by Rue Hass
I have not yet read this book, but based on those I have read, I intend to get it and add it to my library.
EFT for Procrastination
by Gary Craig
I have not yet read this book, but based on those I have read, I intend to get it and add it to my library.
Don’t leave this till later….. Buy it now!
The Hakomi Way
by Ron Kurtz
Ron Kurtz was the creator of The Hakomi Method, a revolutionary method of therapy often called Mindfulness-Based Self-Discovery. This book is the latest one, published after his death by a dedicated team of Legacy Holders and Trainers. It is also the course manual.
The Practice of Loving Presence: A Mindful Guide to Open-Hearted Relating
Ron Kurtz recognized that the ideal state of being for anyone wanting to help another person is what he called Loving Presence. This book is a treasure in terms of what is Loving Presence and how to learn to be in and use that state of mind in all of your relationships.
La pratique de la présence bienveillante : un guide pour des relations conscientes
Ron Kurtz has recognized that the ideal state of mind for anyone wishing to help another person is what he calls Loving Presence. This book is a treasure that explains what Loving Presence is and how to learn to be in this state of mind and use it in all your relationships.
Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method : The Integrated Use of Mindfulness, Nonviolence and the Body
by Ron Kurtz
Although Ron has continued to refine the method since he created it in the early 70’s this book is still very pertinent. It introduces the method, its important elements and skills.
Grace Unfolding
by Greg Johanson and Ron Kurtz
Beautifully written, this book shows how Hakomi is the Tao Te Ching of psychotherapy. A must for anyone wanting to get a feel for Hakomi.
This book shows us how Hakomi is the Tao Te Ching of psychotherapy. It’s a brilliant work and should be read by anyone who wants to know what Hakomi is. This book is not translated.
Hakomi Mindfulness Centered Somatic Psychotherapy: A Comprehensive Guide To Theory And Practice Paperback – Jun 30 2015 
Body Reveals: Illustrated Guide to the Psychology of the Body
by Ron Kurtz
This book shows us how the body holds emotions, past experience and ways of being. Valuable insights on what wounding is held and how to work with it. A must for anyone working with the body or even in psychotherapy.
Experiential Psychotherapy with Couples: A Guide for the Creative Pragmatist
by Rob Fisher
Rob Fisher does a tremendous job showing us how the Hakomi method can be used for couples work and how loving presence, mindfulness, an experimental attitude and moving towards nourishment in a non-violent way will work deeply and quickly to heal wounding and improve dynamics in couples relationships.
The Right Use of Power
by Cedar Barstow
This book will take you through the many aspects of power and how to use it in your life, and in your practice if you are a therapist. Cedar is a long-time Hakomi trainer and applies the theory and practice of Hakomi in this book. Not to use your power is just as detrimental as to overusing it……
Trauma and the Body
by Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton, Claire Pain
This is a truly valuable book on trauma and introduces sensiromotor approach developed by Pat Odgen. This includes a chapter on now Hakomi can be used with this approach. Pat Ogden is trained in Hakomi.
Health and Well-Being – Santé et bien-être
Pain Free
Pete Egoscue, Bantam Books
This is one of the best books on pain I’ve ever read. M. Egoscue shows us how the body should be aligned with the main articulations for proper load bearing and healthy movement. He explains that pain is a result of muscles compensating for others that have atrophied due to misuse or lack of use. He goes on to show us how many problems in one area of the body, such as the feet, are caused and related to other joints. He gives easy practical exercises to bring this back to health. I highly recommend it if you have any kind of joint pain. There are Egoscue pain clinics throughout the US. I personally visited one in San Francisco and am working with the program for my back pain.
Healing Back Pain
by Dr. John Sarno
In this book, Dr. John Sarno introduces the Tension Myositis Syndrome, which is in effect a trick that the brain uses to create pain in the body in order to help us avoid having to face undesirable emotions. He goes on to show how by simply being conscious of this that healing can happen.
I highly recommend this book.
The Mindbody Prescription
by Dr. John Sarno
Dr. Sarno pursues the explanation of the Tension Myositis Syndrome and how it is related to many common diseases such as back pain, fibromyalgia, colitis, etc. A truly valuable book.
The Divided Mind – The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders
by Dr. John Sarno
This book is a treasure! Dr. John Sarno explains how many common and chronic pains, including such conditions as Fibromyalgia, are in fact caused by a condition called TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome), which is a way the brain creates pain in the body in order to help us avoid repressed emotions. Persons that are particularly vulnerable to this condition are those that tend to want to do good and those who tend to want to do things perfectly.
In this book he presents the syndrome and gives a detailed account of his program to overcome these conditions, without drugs, exercise or surgery. Then follows reports on several MD’s that have successfully used this diagnosis and treatment method for their patients.
Many people heal just by reading his books once they understand what is going on.
The Food Revolution
by John Robbins
John Robbins is the son of the owner of Baskins-Ribbins Ice Crean company. He gave up the inheritance to the family business afer realizing how the meat industry treats the animals.
This book will show you how fare we’ve come in the inhumane treatment of thea animals that end up on our plates – crowded pens, excessive hormones in the food chain, how some animals are not allowed to move because of the limited space they live in while waiting to die. After reading this book, you may think twice about your food choices….
Becoming Vegan
by Brenda Davis & Vesanto Melina
A very informative book about eating well as a vegetarian (no meat or fish) or vegan (no animal products including honey). This book gives us many results of studies done showing how vegetarians and vegans are much healthier than those who eat meat. Valuable information on the vitamin, protein and mineral content of foods so that you can make the right choices about what to eat if you go this route.
Raw Food Cookbooks – Livres recettes – alimentation vivante
Rawvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine
by Mat Amsden
When Matt adopted the raw food diet, he never looked back and came up with this truly ingenious book with a lot of creative, delicious and simple recipes.
Quite simply, this is a wonderful book. I just love it!
Raw Food/Real World: 100 Recipes to Get in the Glow
by Matthew Kenny
This book’s pictures are enough to get your saliva glands salivating! Lots of information about live food and how to stock your pantry to create wonderful meals using live food.
I am Grateful: Recipes and Lifestyle of Cafe Gratitude
by Terces Engelhart
Wonderful recipes from this great California raw food restaurant.
Sweet Gratitude: A New World of Raw Desserts
by Matthew Rogers and Tizian Alipo Tamborra
Another delicous book of creative desserts using live food.
Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine
by Gabriel Cousens
Dr. Cousins has done a lot of research on our food supply and presents the devastating effect of pesticides, GMO (genetically modified organisms) and other factors on the food we eat. He then presents the live and organic foods that contribute to our health and vitality to promote a long and healthy life.
The book contains many recipes to prepare foods if you decide to adopt this wonderful way of nourishing your body.
Tantra and Sexuality – Tantra et sexualité
Making Love: Sexual Love the Divine Way
by Barry Long
Barry Long has created a real masterpiece with this book, giving us a simple and real way to make love, in full presence and consciousness and in truth which helps to develop a real and nourrishing intimate relationship.
Faire l’amour de manière divine
by Barry Long
Barry Long has done a masterpiece in this book, giving the simple and true ways to make love, in full awareness and presence and in all truth to develop the true and nourishing intimate relationship.
The Art of Sexual Ecstasy
by Margo Anand
Margo presents tantra and the art of giving and receiving pleasure in a way that integrates sexual energy and spirituality in a sacred way to create richer relationships, healing and expansion of sexuality as well as the art of becoming multi-orgasmic.
The contents of this book are the foundation for the Skydancing School of Tantra created by Margo.
The art of sexual ecstasy
by Margo Anand
Margo Annand introduces Tantra and the art of giving and receiving pleasure by integrating sexual energy and spirituality in a sacred way to create richer relationships, sexual healing and fulfillment, and the art of becoming multi-orgasmic.
These teachings form the basis of the Skydancing Tantra school created by Margo.
The Multi-Orgasmic Man
by Mantak Chia
Mantac Chia presents of Taoist method of becoming multi-orgasmic while retaining sexual energy for improved health and longer life, allowing for richer and more pleasurable lovemaking and relationships.
L’homme multiorgasmique – Male sexual energy
by Mantak Chia
Mantac Chia presents the Taoist method of becoming multi-orgasmic while retaining sexual energy for improved health and long life, enabling richer relationships and sexuality, with more pleasure.
The Multi-Orgasmic Woman – Sexual Secrets Every Woman Should Know
by Mantak Chia
Mantac Chia presents the Taoist teachings that allow women to considerably increase, improve and reinforce sexual pleasure, intimacy and health.
La femme multiorgasmique
by Mantak Chia
Mantac presents the Taoist method, which enables women to considerably increase, improve and strengthen their pleasure, intimacy and health.
Others – Autres
Zero Limits – The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More
by Joe Vitale
Joe Vitale presents the simple but powerful Hawaiian method of Ho’Oponopono that was used by Dr Hew Lin to heal the patients and close down a whole mental institution without directly working with them.
Four simple phrases that you can use to transform pain and suffering.
“I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you!”
Zéro Limites
by Joe Vitale
In this book, Joe Vitale introduces Ho’ Oponopno, a simple yet powerful Hawaiian method used by Dr. Hew Lin to heal patients and close a mental hospital without intervening directly with the patients.
Four little phrases you can use to transform pain and suffering.
«I love you, I’m sorry, I beg your forgiveness, Thank you »
The Field
by Lynne McTaggart
Lynne does a fabulous job of explaining Quantum Physics in a way that all can understand. She explains what Zero Point Energy is and also reports on a large double blind study on Distance Healing done by Elizabeth Targ, daughter of a famous quantum physicist.
Le Champ de cohérence universelle
by Lynne McTaggart
Lynne does an excellent job of popularizing and helping us understand quantum physics. She explains what Zero Point energy is and presents a double-blind study on distance healing done by Elizabeth Targ .
The Intention Experiment
by Lynn McTaggart
In this book Lynn presents many compelling proofs of how intention is a powerful tool to manifest what we want and even influence electronics…
The Science of Intention
by Lynn McTaggart
This book’s pictures are enough to get your saliva glands salivating! Lots of information about live food and how to stock your pantry to create wonderful meals using live food.
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
by Esther and Jerry Hicks
This is the book behind “The Secret”. Esther Hicks channels the entity that calls itself Abraham and explains the Law of Attraction and how to use intention in an effortless way to manifest what you want to create in your life. I recommend this book to many of my clients.
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of Abraham’s Teachings
by Esther et Jerry Hicks
This is the book that inspired “The Secret”. Esther Hicks channels the entity called Abraham and explains the Law of Attracton and how to use intention effortlessly to manifest what we want to create in our life. I recommend this book to several of my clients.