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courseReiki course

Reiki I – to treat yourself and others. Reiki II – added symbols that intensify the treatment and allow treatment at a distance. We also learn a variation of the technique called emotional/mental Reiki. Reiki III – teaching of the master’s first symbol and a harmonization technique. Reiki Master – Teaching Level.

Course calendar

The course is given in French, English or bilingual as needed. See the calendar.

Costs: (please see the registration form – a non refundable deposit is required to reserve a place)

Reiki 1 – 1 evening & 1 day Reiki 2 – 1 day Reiki 3 – 1 day + work to be submitted, please contact me Master/Teacher – initiation + integration course, please contact me

Registration form

Course location

Classes are given on the island of Montreal. The location will be confirmed before each class.

Suggested preparation for Reiki class

The Reiki course will allow you to channel the energy of universal love. To better prepare yourself for the course, here are some recommendations that I suggest you follow:

For the three (3) days before and during the course:

Don’t eat red meat (red meat requires a lot of energy to digest);
Do not drink coffee or beverages that contain caffeine (to minimize nervous system stimulants);
Minimize the consumption of chocolate and sugar (to minimize nervous system stimulants);
If you smoke, try to minimize your use;
Do not consume alcohol (alcohol suppresses the energy system);
Don’t have sex (to keep your energy up);
Take time to be with yourself – take walks; minimize television or radio listening; listen to your inner self.

These preparations will help you to be more receptive to the energy that you will receive during the initiations, and will improve your participation in the course.

During the course

It is suggested to wear white or light-colored clothes. White is symbolic of light, clarity, celebration, purity, and transformation. We often wear white for special events. Do not engage in demanding social activities for the weekend or the days of the course. Give yourself the chance to truly experience your initiation in order to make the most of it… Participating in a traditional Reiki course always represents a significant step forward in your personal growth. The universal energy processes introduced during the initiations and the intensive contact with universal energy will open new opportunities for experience and give you better access to the living and loving aspects of your personality. Dormant talents may be activated, and the abilities you possess could be further developed. Only you can decide the depth and significance this evolutionary process will have for you.

In the days leading up to the course, take time to be with yourself regularly to gain insight into what you want from your life, how much you have applied this, and what you want to open yourself to in the future. Do you desire more love and fulfillment in your relationships with others? Would you like to finally have a satisfying occupation? Or would you like to resolve a health issue? Whatever it may be, the energy from the initiations and Reiki treatments during the course could bring positive growth to everything that matters to you. This means that you will not be healed in a medical sense by participating. However, your participation could accelerate inner processes of learning and growth, contributing to a healthier and happier life.

Expect anything and nothing! Make yourself available to whatever will arise. Do not place barriers to your personal development, and open the door to your innermost desires buried deep within your heart. The process I have just described has nothing to do with your openness to universal energy during the traditional initiations of the course. You will still become a Reiki channel if you are initiated by a Reiki Master. You do not have to do anything and need not do anything more than be present to become this channel. Do not plan any active or demanding activities during the days of the course. Allow yourself to be with yourself. The initiations may trigger deep awareness, and it is good to be present and take the time to address it. You may make intense contact with yourself—so take advantage of this opportunity! For these reasons, you should follow the guidelines mentioned above for the few days leading up to and during the course itself. This preparation will increase your ability to perceive everything that happens, and therefore the possibility of fully benefiting from the experience.

Enjoy your course