My book on Reiki is available in paperback Ebook versions in English, French and now Spanish.

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Summary description of the content

Curious about Reiki? Already a practitioner or Master/Teacher? This book is for you. In addition to introducing Reiki and all of its uses and benefits, it offers practical guidelines for its use and the journey of the practitioner to improve his or her own state of being and presence as well as his or her presence to his clientele.

I share a lot of personal experience and have included testimonials of the journey from those to whom I have share the teachings. I have been teaching Reiki since 1998 and I continue to be fascinated with the transformational power of its initiations.

This book on Reiki differs from other books on the market in the following ways:

  • It focuses on the fact that Reiki is first and foremost a path unto one’s self from which we can help others heal, rather than the traditional focus as a healing modality for others. In this sense it stresses how the Reiki initiations are a powerful catalyst for personal growth that propel the student to be more aligned with his or her life task and mission.
  • It includes testimonials relating my students’ experiences of growth and transformation through the process.
  • It presents many issues that the practitioner needs to be aware of in the therapist/client relationship. In addition, it demonstrates the importance of continually working on one’s self to be better able to be present for another.
  • It includes guidelines for setting up a practice and marketing.
  • It discusses aspects of giving treatments that can answer many questions that come up during my courses and that will be useful for the curious, the practitioner and the Reiki Master.

To order

Directly from this web site – paperback – $26 including Shipping & Handling (Canada only) click here.

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Testimonials and Reviews

Book Review: Reiki A Powerful Catalyst for Personal Transformation and Healing

Review by Phyllis Kane, Usui Reiki Master

Transformation and Healing is packed with good information on what Reiki is and how to go about learning Reiki as you move through the different levels. It explains energy fields and it describes how Reiki is different from other hands-on methods. It also describes transformations that occur in a person’s life once they have been attuned to Reiki.

There are many books on Reiki but this one is comprehensive in its review of Reiki origins and development. The author discusses the guiding principles of Reiki in great detail. The guiding principles provide a framework for healthy living and the book describes how to use them as tools for a lifetime. This is very important area and I have not seen it discussed elsewhere in the detail outlined in this book.

The author gives many useful tips to the student or the Reiki practitioner; including for example how not to use your own energy and how not to try too hard when you are giving a Reiki. The book includes details on establishing and maintaining a practice and describes the rewards of teaching Reiki. He covers the various aspects of creating a Reiki workspace in your home. Unless you have a designated area for clients, he does not recommend doing Reiki at home. He warns of providing Reiki for friends and suggests that these sessions are an exchange of services rather than a therapeutic relationship.

Two points that stood out for me are the need for setting your intention to prepare for a Reiki session and making sure that energy is being channeled properly so that the practitioner and the person receiving a treatment are safe. The appendices include useful learning techniques for treatment positions. The book also includes testimonials on the use of Reiki and personal Reiki journeys. The author makes the book an easy Reiki reference book providing a clear overview of Reiki with a summary after each chapter. This is a very good book for every Reiki practitioner’s library.


Carine Houehou

Je viens juste de finir de lire ton livre, et je ne pouvais pas attendre pour te dire que c’est vraiment un très beau cadeau, il m’a énormément apporté et a répondu à de nombreuses questions que je me
posais et certaines même dont je n’étais pas consciente…il m’a rassuré, sur mon manque d’assurance par rapport à mon statut de débutante dans le Reiki (niveau 1), par rapport à une incompréhension
et des questionnements concernant le maître Reiki qui m’a fait le beau cadeau de m’initier au niveau 1. Ce livre m’a émue aux larmes (de joie), merci pour ce beau cadeau qui m’accompagnera longtemps dans ma pratique du Reiki.

Je garderai cette phrase dans mon coeur : “Le sens de la vie est de donner un sens à sa vie”, elle est merveilleuse et vibrante de vérité et de sagesse, elle résonne tellement fort en moi…merci! “…de jouer au petit ne sert pas le monde…en laissant briller notre lumière, nous donnons inconsciemment aux autres la permission de faire de même…”

Si je m’écoutais je t’écrirais des pages et des pages de phrases de gratitude, je te dirai donc juste ceci: Merci, merci, merci Roland


Review by: David C. (Montreal) on May 31, 2013:

Roland has written a really wonderful book…it’s a super presentation of Reiki with lots of practical advice for patients & practitioners alike.

I felt the increased energy-flow through me as soon as I began to read…reading the book is itself a healing experience.

– Chapters 1-3 are a great introduction to Reiki – They give a very comprehensive overview, beneficial uses, the energy field and the typical learning path.

– Chapters 4-6 are more advanced information – Chapter 4 is chock-full of great reminders & advice for practitioners; chapter 5 includes great promotion tips for setting up a Reiki practice; while chapter 6 focuses on how giving Reiki healings has a cumulative transformative effect on the practitioner.

– Plus Roland has included a very helpful set of appendices…like a comprehensive FAQ (Frequently-Asked-Questions) web page.

Highly recommended!



Je n’ai pas encore fini ton livre mais ce que je peux déjà en dire c’est que ”tout coule de source”. C’est une expression curieuse mais on sent que c’est avec ton coeur que tu l’as écrit. C’est facile à lire, ça reflète la justesse, c’est magique. Alors mille fois bravo pour ton travail. Au travers de tes mots tu guideras encore des milliers de personnes dans l’ouverture du coeur. C’est génial !


Janet Spillane Gupwell, UK

An excellent book, everything you need to know about Reiki. It’s written in a way that you can dip in and out for information as or when you need it. A must for anyone from level 1 to Master Teacher. I would go as far as to say that this is one of the best books that I hae bought on Reiki. It will carry you through the levels up to Master Teacher answering all hte questions you might need to know. Once you have reached Master Teacher where do you go from there? This book has all the answers. Whether your interest in Reiki is for yourself or to practice it as a therapy, this book is a must to won.


Françoise Philie

I appreciated reading this book on Reiki after having read many others that I borrowed from the library. In any case, if, as you mentioned at the start of the book, you were wondering why write another book on Reiki, I would say that yours is very personalized and therefore different from the others – this for me was one of its main attractions. Furthermore, it is much more practical than other books insofar as starting a Reiki practice is concerned. This is very valuable. In fact, it could easily be a great tool toe hand out with all of the other manuals and documentation that you supply during your Reiki course.


Review by: Virginia Smith on Jan. 24, 2017 :

Reiki – A Powerful Catalyst For Personal Transformation and Healing: A practical guide for the novice, practitioner and master, with a collection of testimonials by Roland Bérard

If you’re looking for a book on Reiki that is informative, clear and easy to read, this is it. Reiki – A Powerful Catalyst For Personal Transformation and Healing is full of detailed information on what Reiki is, how it works and is a very practical guide to how to use this loving energy in every day life for personal growth.

The author comprehensively covers everything the novice would need to know about Reiki; from the history and the Reiki principles to the daily practice of Reiki for self and for others, to giving Reiki to animals and other living things. It is exemplary in writing and content with very functional ideas and tips that help with understanding how Reiki can be incorporated into everyday life, establishing a practice that may be used solely for self-growth, and/or as a practitioner or teacher.

There are some particular areas that stand out for me: The Five Reiki Principles, The Teachings, and the Guidelines for the Practitioner. There is great detail on the Five Found Principles of Reiki and I agree with the author that they “provide a framework for healthy living; integrating them into daily life is a work in progress that continues throughout one’s lifetime.” In covering The Teachings, the author shares what is taught at the various levels of Reiki, and why he prefers to teach the levels in the way he does, informing those new to Reiki what can happen in a class, and giving a clear outline for teachers looking to add to their understanding and teachings. In Guidelines for the Practitioner, there are good sound explanations on how to prepare for and treat clients.

I especially like the detailed Table of Contents, the clearly succinct Summary sections at the end of each chapter and the Appendices, including testimonials. They make it easy to have a quick glance at what’s exactly covered in the book and completely aid in the understanding of Reiki and it’s uses, adding a special touch of personal experiences and detail for the visual learner making it a really good reference book.

Roland Bérard, experienced Reiki Master and practitioner, is deeply committed to self-improvement, drawing from, sharing and offering his personal experiences and teachings to clients, students and teachers alike. I believe that he practices what he teaches and “Integrates his heart and soul of the method” into his work. Reiki – A Powerful Catalyst For Personal Transformation and Healing is a really good instructional book for every Reiki practitioner and teacher.

[Review by: Virginia Smith – Reiki Master and Practitioner from Reiki and Self Care]