Roland is passionate about personal growth and awakening consciousness and has completed 19 years of training in different approaches, in addition to his training as an engineer. He has been teaching Reiki since 1998 and is a graduate of the 4-year intensive course at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH). He is qualified as a teacher of this method and leads introductory workshops on the beneficial power of the hands. Certified as a Hakomi practitioner and trainer, he works by letting himself be inspired by the principles of this method. He is a Core Energetics practitioner. He uses the TLE method (EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique) for support. Roland holds an undergraduate certificate in fasciatherapy and Somato-psychopedagogy. Roland does DNA activation according to the ThetaHealing method. He offers individual sessions, Reiki courses, an introduction to Barbara Brennan’s Energy Science, and various personal growth workshops. He worked 28 years in the engineering field as an engineer and project manager before changing careers to devote himself entirely to healing. He has his office in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Activities and continuing education of Roland Bérard
I would like to update you on the training I have completed or undertaken since the summer of 2002. Personal growth is a passion that continually helps me discover myself and also helps me better serve my clients.
Exceptional Marriage Mentoring– 2015
In 2015, I took this training created by Marcia and Brian Gleason to become a mentor for couples who want to create an exceptional relationship based on truth, full expression and the deployment of their essential being. It is a complete approach that is experiential, experimental and dynamic that allows you to identify the control patterns that set in to ensure that the relationship remains in a window of tolerance, but which limit each person from truly being themselves in the relationship. We learn to differentiate between immature needs and mature ones.
Learning Meditation – Living in the Heart of Wisdom – 2012-2015
Since 2012, I have been learning meditation and the teachings of Buddha with the Northern Way. This has allowed me to deepen and anchor my meditation practice, to let go and accept the reality that presents itself in my life and thus reduce the suffering in my life. By being less reactive and not attached to what is there, I feel freer.
Energy Heart – since 2011
I am a certified practitioner of the Core Energetics method. Core Energetics was created by John Pierakos, a student of Willem Reich and co-founder of BioEnergy with Alexander Lowen. Core Energetics adds the spiritual dimension (from Eva Pierakos and the Path of Transformation) to BioEnergy and allows us to recognize the Higher Self, the Lower Self and the Hidden Self in addition to the images that control our lives. The body is the vehicle for self-knowledge.
Fasciatherapy and Somato-psychopedagogy (Danis Bois Method) – since 2012
Fasciatherapy, Danis Bois Method, allows to contact and put back into motion the internal movement of tissues that becomes absent when we have lost contact with these parts of our body that have become insensitive and immobile because we have lost contact with them. It is a gentle and powerful method that stimulates the fascia that stores all the emotions and traumas that have been experienced by the body. In 2012, I completed the 1st cycle training and hold the practitioner certificate.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – since fall 2002
I have completed the Advanced Certificate for this method. In its simplest form, TLÉ is an emotional form of acupuncture except that no needles are used. Instead, we tap with our fingers on certain meridians while the client is tuned into the problem. The current theory is that “the cause of all negative emotion is a disturbance in the body’s energy system.”
The Hakomi Method – since 2002
I am now certified as a practitioner and trainer in the Hakomi approach, having completed basic and advanced training and having also demonstrated the ability to use and teach the method. Hakomi is an experiential method of assisted self-discovery that uses “small mindful experiments”. This helps us discover how our life experience is organized by our habits and attitudes and our unconscious beliefs. Thus, Hakomi is a true method of inner discovery, which is “therapeutic” when used to support self-discovery or that of another person. Hakomi is also effective in many non-therapeutic situations of human relationships (teaching, parenting, customer service, palliative care, and many others). This method teaches loving presence and therefore helps me to be more present with my clients.
Reiki – since 1997
I have been teaching Reiki since 1998 and continue to be amazed by the great benefits reported by my students on this simple, accessible and very effective method.
Barbara Brennan’s Energy Science – since 2002
I completed my course at the Barbare School in 2002 and this method became one of the foundations of my integrated approach as a therapist.
Brennan Method Teaching Course – 2005
In 2005, I completed this two-year advanced training and am now qualified to be a trainer at Barbara’s school. I am also authorized to lead introductory training workshops on the method. This teaching is an even deeper discovery of oneself and reinforces the techniques used in the energy work sessions. This learning brings a plus for my clients.
DNA Activation – since fall 2002
DNA activation activates the Youth and Vitality chromosome and then activates 10 strands of DNA that join the two existing helices. This activation is done in all cells of the body and the integration is done over a period of 3 months to 2 years, which helps to activate your latent potential. Many benefits have been reported by people who have had it done. Personally, I have observed that this activation has propelled my pathing process and clarified certain things. I have done many activations so far either in person or remotely all over the world.
The Quantum Touch – Fall 2003 and Spring 2004
Quantum Touch is a hands-on energy healing method that is easy to learn and has given me another tool. In this method, we hold our hands longer on the affected body parts and learn breathing techniques that help us keep our energy field at a high vibrational rate to improve the availability of energy for the client.
Chakra Assessments
I have recently developed a chakra assessment that I provide at the first visit. This assessment is also available to anyone who wants to know the state of their energy field.
Monitoring treatment progress
I recently developed a follow-up chart that gives visual results of the progress of treatments measured by the state of the chakras before each visit. This allows us to see how the energy field stabilizes over time, and also to see which chakras remain dysfunctional. Discovering one’s dynamics, images and beliefs is the first step to returning to well-being. We learn to make different choices in the moment. I have presented this follow-up method at major international conferences in Canada, in Toronto and Montreal, Canada.
I wish you happiness and ever-increasing personal growth.