Core Energetics
The purpose of the Core Energetics is to allow pure essence to express itself freely to create joy and pleasure rather than pain and suffering. The work of the Core Energetics is to overcome the obstacles that prevent the person from expressing their essence. Core Energetics was created by John Pierrakos who had previously developed BioEnergy with Alexander Lowen. Both were disciples of Wilhelm Reich, himself a disciple of Freud. John Pierrakos integrated the principles and techniques of BioEnergy with the spiritual dimension of The Pathwork. Core Energetics is the only body-centered approach I know of that includes awakening work using aspects of the Higher Self, Lower Self, and masks. In Core Energetics , we work with the body to release energy blockages held in the armor, i.e. places where energy is accumulated and held in tension and muscles. We help people recognize negative spiritual aspects within themselves and their impact on their reality in addition to limiting the expression of joy and pleasure in their lives.
Pierrakos, J. C. (1990).
Sites internet
Institute of Core Energetics –
Cœur Energétique Montreal –