The Power of Intention

A 2 hour workshop to learn about the anatomy of the energy field, exchange of energy between people, character types and the power that intention has in an individual’s life and in group dynamics. See calendar of events. A simple and efficient method is taught to align and focus groups to increase performance, minimize conflicts and reduce the time required to reach group objectives. The workshop can be tailored to individual needs and the length can be extended beyond 2 hours to include experientials that will help participants understand and have an experience of the energy field. An Abstract as well as Roland’s entire article entitled “The Power of Intention in Focusing Groups” is included below.


Participating in a group (one on one, team, meeting or committee) at work and leisure activities is one of the many ways we experience relationships. All relationships are a mirror through which we are able to learn about ourselves and experience personal growth. Often, the group’s goals are not well defined or understood by all participants. Distractions, social dynamics and personalities get in the way and delay the process of achieving the group’s goals. Through an understanding of the four dimensions of humankind, particularly the hara dimension that holds our intention and our deepest longings, we can begin to understand the Power of Intention and the role it plays in our lives. A simple technique called “Group Hara Alignment” can be used effectively to consciously align members of small and large groups so that they can focus on the task at hand. The technique allows individuals to reflect on and remember their purpose for being in the group and to participate in ways that remove barriers and minimize conflicts. This allows the participants to be creative while having fun, share their unique gifts with the groups and fulfill their life and world tasks. This paper presents the relationship between the physical dimension and energy, presents the concept of the hara and intentionality and presents a simplified technique to apply the Power of Intention. In addition, the paper relates feedback and experiences from individuals to whom this material was presented, as well as personal experiences in which the technique was used by the author.


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Everything we do originates from our divine core. The pure divine creative impulse from the core filters down through the various dimensions to manifest itself in the physical world. Using a birdhouse as an example, one gets a creative impulse to build a birdhouse and sets the intention to do so. Thoughts and ideas emerge on how this birdhouse will look and finally, all the materials are gathered to put it together. The birdhouse is physically built or “manifested” and then placed in an accessible location for the birds to use. This paper demonstrates that our bodies are energy and that everything is interconnected. The four dimensions of humankind are introduced and the role that each dimension plays in small group interactions is explained. Since will and intention both play a part in manifesting what we want or desire, each is defined and discussed. The complete and simplified techniques for group alignment are explained. Examples of its use by the author’s and various other individuals are presented. This paper is based on the work of Barbara Brennan who has been a healer and a teacher for over 25 years. Her work is published in two books, one Hands of Light, and the other Light Emerging. Barbara currently leads a school (The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, or BBSH), where these principles have been taught in great depth for the past 20 years.

1. Energy Body, Interconnectedness and Relationships

1.1 From Solid Body to Energy Body

There has been significant development in our scientific view of the human body in the last century. Newton, Einstein and Atomic Physics have shown us that the human body is made up of atoms that are really crystallized energy. The size and relative distance between the nucleus and the electrons in atoms is such that it is mostly empty space. Our body is an energy field, but mostly empty space! Holograms have been around since 1965. If you cut up a hologram into smaller and smaller pieces, each piece still contains the entire image; it just gets fuzzier and fuzzier. Each piece has all the information for the whole three-dimensional representation. This principle is also mirrored in our body cells. The human DNA has all the information required to construct the entire human body. “The hologram provides us with a new and unique model which may help science to understand the energetic structure of the universe as well as the multidimensional nature of human beings” . The holographic concept “states that every piece is an exact representation of the whole and can be used to reconstruct the entire hologram” .

1.2 Interconnectedness of all Things

Brennan reports that “Scientists are now finding evidence for a universal, immediate connectedness within the framework of science, both mathematically and experimentally.” She goes on to reference Bell’s theorem which supports the concept that subatomic particles are connected in some way that transcends time and space. The phrase from the modern chaos theory expresses that “A butterfly flapping its wings in North America can be felt all the way to Japan”. It is well known in physics that an experimenter cannot observe anything without affecting it in some way. When we combine the holographic principle, modern physics, chaos theory, and interconnectedness, we can see that everything is energy and everything is inter-related.

1.3 Interconnectedness in Relationships and Groups

This interconnectedness applies as well in our personal and group relationships. Any interaction with another affects the other, those in the vicinity and those that we subsequently interact with. How we walk away from one interaction influences how we approach and interact with the next person. People’s behavior and words affect all other members in a group.

2. The Four Dimensions of Humankind

In her book “Light Emerging”, Brennan presents the four dimensions of humankind. These are the Physical, Aura, Hara and Core Star dimensions.

2.1 The Physical Dimension (the “Real” World)

This dimension is the physical world that we are all familiar with. This is what we recognize as reality as it manifests itself in our lives. In addition to the world (our physical bodies, objects, planets, earth, etc) this dimension includes other people, and our relationships with them. It is in the physical world that we see the result of the energy and consciousness of the other three dimensions.

2.2 The Dimension of the Universal and Human Energy Fields (Personality)

The second dimension is that of the Universal Energy Field (UEF) and the Human Energy Field (HEF, otherwise known as the Aura). The energy field is a template for the physical body and is the vehicle for all psychosomatic reactions. The aura defines our personality and how we interact with others in relationships and groups.

2.2.1 Universal Energy Field

The Universal Energy Field (UEF) is made up of universal energy. This energy has commonly been referred to as Vital Energy, Chi, Ki or Prana. This energy has consciousness and nurtures all living things and all matter. This energy permeates the universe and interconnects all things. Brennan gives a comprehensive history of references to the UEF.

2.2.2 Human Energy Field

The Human Energy Field (HEF) is that part of the UEF that is intimately connected to human life. It is the level where an energetic framework exists upon which the physical world rests. On this level, energy and consciousness cannot be separated. The HEF or aura is made up of chakras and levels (commonly referred to as energy or etheric bodies).


Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel”. Chakras act as funnels, which spin and “collect” the energy from the UEF and metabolize it for use by our body. Each chakra nourishes endocrine glands and specific organs and each chakra also governs a psychodynamic function. As an example, the 5th chakra nourishes the vocal apparatus, the lungs and bronchia. In addition, this chakra influences how we feel about our place in society, how we are able to express ourselves, our ability to ask for what we need and our ability to receive. There are 7 main chakras, and many other secondary chakras. The locations of the 7 main chakras correspond closely to that of the endocrine glands. In the “vertical” plane, there is one chakra located at the head (crown chakra) and another at the perineum (root chakra). There are 5 others located in the horizontal plane, one each at the 3rd eye, the throat, the heart, the solar plexus and the pelvis. Each of the chakras on the horizontal plane has a front and a rear aspect. In general, the front aspects of the chakras relate to our emotions, the back aspects to our will and the head chakras to our reason.


The HEF has 7 levels. Each level of the field is of a unique vibrational frequency and is super-imposed over the other. Each level radiates out from the core and “sits” just above the physical body and the other levels in correspondingly higher levels of vibration (not layered like an onion). The complete aura usually radiates out approximately 3-½ feet from the body, more or less, depending on the state of the person. The first three levels relate to our physical aspects (physical sensations, emotions with respect to self, and mental or rational mind). The fourth level relates to our relationships with others and is the bridge between our physical and our spiritual aspects. Levels 5, 6 & 7 relate to our spiritual aspects (divine will, divine love and divine mind). In the same way that a magnetic field influences its surroundings, the Human Energy Field affects its environment.

2.3. The Hara Dimension (Intention)

The hara dimension lies beneath the aura and is the foundation upon which the aura rests.

2.3.1 Traditional Hara

Hara is a Japanese word that means “belly”. “By Hara the Japanese understand an all-inclusive general attitude which enables one to open oneself to the power and wholeness of the original life-force and to testify to it by the fulfillment, the meaningfulness and the mastery displayed in one’s own life.” The hara is related to the Chinese concept of the Dan-Tien (or Tan Tien). The ancient Chinese texts describe the Dan-Tien as “the best place in the belly”. Both the hara and Tan Tien relate this center point (located at our body’s center of gravity just below the navel) to our centered-ness. All martial arts teach the students to move and direct power from the hara. From the hara, one connects downwards to the earth and upwards to heaven. This is a state where just the right balance of tension and relaxation is held in the muscles. Standing in hara, one is rooted to the earth and is not likely to lose balance. Working from hara is effortless and not a question of will. A person who has reconnected with and is in hara is centered in their being, is calm and has presence of mind. This person is connected to essence and wholeness. Hara is a birthright, but is usually forgotten or lost by the time we reach adolescence.

2.3.2 Hara According to Brennan

The Hara dimension, according to Brennan, is the place where we hold our intention and our deepest longing. The intention is related to how we are able to manifest what we desire in our lives. The longing is related to our personal and world tasks. In this dimension, the hara consists of a thin laser-like line in the center of the body. The line connects three points along the line and connects down to the earth. The three points are:

  • ID point – The individuation point (ID) is our connection to our higher spiritual reality. It is located about three feet above the head.
  • Soul Seat – The Soul Seat holds our longing, what we most deeply wish for in this life. It is located just above the heart.
  • Tan-Tien – The Tan Tien is the center of power that is recognized in all forms of martial arts. It is located at the center of gravity of the body, about two inches below the navel.

A healthy hara line is straight, energized and deeply rooted into the earth. When this line is healthy, we feel whole and synchronized with our personal purpose. The hara is the first dimension where the creative impulse can be distorted as it emerges from the core of our being, our essence. When the intention is set on this dimension, it affects the dimension of the aura and that of the physical body. This is crucial to activities in daily life. It is from here that our interactions with groups (relationships) can be influenced. This will be expanded upon in section 5.

2.4. Core Star Dimension

The fourth dimension of humankind is that of the Core Star. This dimension lies beneath the dimension of the hara. Physically, the Core Star is located at the approximate dimensional center of the body or about one and one-half inches above the navel. The core star is the place where we hold our essence, all of who we are, and is our connection to divinity. It is our divine spark, our God within. It exists outside of time, space, physical incarnation, and even the concept of the soul. All of our creative impulses originate in our core and filter down through the other dimensions until they manifest in our physical world.

2.5 Distortions in the Four Dimensions

As individuals, we each have our own way of managing the energy field and our intention. This affects our personalities and our group interaction. As we interact with the world at a young age, we attempt to express our needs and our love for others around us. From the child’s perspective, unexpected adult reactions can be interpreted as rejection, abandonment, betrayal, control, invasion, or a combination of these. These experiences are unpleasant and at times even traumatic. Over time we learn defense mechanisms to avoid feeling the pain. These defenses block feelings and expression and therefore the flow of energy. These reactions eventually create energetic blocks and/or distortions in the various dimensions. In the dimension of hara, the distortions show up as breaks, bends and weaknesses in the hara line. When this happens, we are not aligned with our purpose and our intention gets distorted. We are disconnected from our longings, the earth and/or spirituality.

  • In the aura or HEF, they become blocks that prevent the energy from flowing. These blockages result in experiencing pain, self-judgements, lack of clarity, limiting beliefs, emotional blocks and distortions, lack of self-love and distorted relationships. Our love becomes conditional rather than unconditional and our relationships become difficult and unpleasant.
  • In the chakras, they show up as dysfunctional or torn chakras. Chakras that do not function well do not nourish the body and organs properly; this leads to disease in those areas where there is dysfunction and to imbalance in the areas of life governed by these chakras.
  • In the physical body, they manifest as disease, tensions, muscle spasms or other pathologies.

3. Personality and Character Structure

The distortions described above become habitual defense mechanisms developed from the specific childhood wounds and traumas for each individual. These images, limiting beliefs and defense mechanisms become our personalities and govern how we interact with others thereby “shaping and controlling” our lives. In many different ways, they stifle our life force and distort or squelch the creative impulses that well up from our Core. Character structure (characterology) is a term that many body psychotherapists use to describe certain physical and psychological types of people. Wilhelm Reich identified five major categories after noticing that people with similar childhood experiences had similar bodies. Aspects of the personality make-up, physical and energetic systems of these character structures are detailed in Brennan’s Hands of Light, chapter 13, and further detailed in her book Light Emerging, chapter 15. Brennan characterizes several energetic defense systems that are used at different times such as porcupine, withdrawal, verbal denial, oral sucking, hooks, mental grasp, tentacles, silent obvious brooding, hysteria, boundary containment, power/will display or a combination of any of these. Some of these may seem familiar; everyone uses one or more of these in relationship with others. Defenses and character structures demonstrate who we are not, rather than who we are. Even though we may be aware of an individual’s defense, it is important not to lose sight of that individual’s unique essence and gifts

4. Will and Intention

Intention and will are present in every moment of our lives, in everything we do and in every relationship we enter into. Understanding these concepts is very important when it comes to group interactions, whether they occur in the workplace, extra-curricular activities, play or personal development. When we want to accomplish a task or set a direction in our lives, we first think of what we want to do, decide on it and then direct our energy to make this happen (manifest). This energy can emerge from a place of will or from a place of intention.

4.1 Intention

Intention (or intent) is a pure decision or choice to act on a creative impulse from the core for future execution or manifestation. It is bringing an idea into the physical world. “The mere word intention connotes that the self is in charge; makes a deliberate choice, intends to do, act, be….”. Intention can be positive or negative; it can also be effortless. “Negative intent is the intention to hold on to the state of negating life and the self, of choosing separation. Negative intent will manifest in those choices motivated by pride, self-will, and fear; it is the choice to stay separated, isolated, and alone”. “Positive intention is the ability to make a choice for the unitive (harmonious) state… and will manifest in those choices motivated by love, truth, integrity, courage, harmony, and joy. It is the intention to be unified within your own being and to hold that unitive consciousness in your interactions with others. Positive intention is the intention for the flow of life to occur”. Effortless intention is pure intentionality, simply allowing things to unfold to manifest what is desired. It means no pushing and letting go of a rigid time frame and the expectations that go along with that. Effortless intention can be achieved through patience, surrender and faith. Carol, a recent graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, had been undecided as to how, where and when to establish her practice. About a year after graduation, she woke up one morning and decided it was time. She set her intention to make it happen and trusted that the Universe would provide. Amazingly and without effort, a beautiful space became available in an ideal location at low rent. When it came time to buy furniture, much of what she needed and liked was on sale. Her practice is now well established. This is a good example of how effortless intention manifested in her life.

4.2. Will

Will is the driving force that allows us to accomplish what we want. It can be seen as a vehicle to manifest a set intention. Will is either balanced, underused or abused. When will is underused, we become “push-overs” and give our power away. When will is abused, it becomes “power-over”. This is pushing and controlling one’s or others’ actions in order to get results. This causes unhealthy competition, aggression, war, unpleasant relationships and exhaustion, with little or no regard for who or what is in the way. When will is underused or abused, it is not balanced with reason and emotion. In the positive sense will is associated with strength of character, success and wholesome competition. Balanced will allows us to move forward and overcome obstacles and fears using just the right amount of reason and emotion.

5. Hara and Groups

As previously stated, when the intention is set on the hara dimension, it affects the dimension of the aura and that of the physical body. This is crucial to activities in daily life. It is from here that group interactions can be influenced.

5.1 Hara at the Individual Level

At the individual level, “Setting one’s intention is an act of conscious choice wherein you align your reason, will, and emotion and choose to do, act, or be in a particular way in support of a desired outcome”. When the hara is healthy and we are aligned to our hara, we feel a lot of personal integrity, power and personal purpose because we are synchronized with the universal purpose. It’s not about being right or wrong, it is about being in alignment. Since universal purpose has no adversaries; people who argue or take adversarial positions can not possibly be aligned. When we are not aligned, we easily slip into our automatic reactions or defenses. It is then that we are at cross purposes with others and our own life purpose. “Anywhere in our lives, including health and healing, where we have trouble creating what we want, is where we have mixed intentions or crossed purposes.”“To the extent that you have aligned your hara line, to that exact degree you are on line with your purpose and in positive Intent. To the extent that you are not on line in your haric level, to that exact degree you are in negative Intent. It is as simple as that.”


5.2 Hara at the Group Level

As we have seen, we are holographically connected to everything and everyone; the state of our hara (intention) directly affects our relationships and group interactions. The individual’s purpose is connected to the group’s purpose. Once the individual has aligned purpose in the moment with personal and life tasks, and connects to the reason for being present in the group, this automatically aligns his/her purpose to the group’s purpose. When each individual has set intention to achieve the group objectives, participation becomes one with the task at hand. Each individual’s creativity wells up from essence and contributes to the group’s intention. Since each of us is unique, we contribute our own gifts to the group, thus enriching the group’s experience. All interactions are much smoother. Once the group’s purpose is defined and a few of the individuals have aligned, a group hara line emerges which represents the group’s intention. As more and more individuals align, this helps others to align also, (snowball effect through harmonic induction). As more and more individuals align to the group’s intention, the group hara gets stronger and stronger. Each individual’s hara is connected to the group hara like the spokes on a wheel. This alignment can actually be felt; the energy in the room will feel different, it will be much more solid and everyone will be more centered, calm and focused. The reason this works is that, as each individual aligns hara and sets intention, the creative impulse that emerges from the core of each individual is not distorted as it filters down through the different dimensions. It can then manifest in the physical world in as pure a form as possible, aligned with the individual’s and the group’s purpose. In this scenario, everybody wins. This process may seem chaotic at first, but if the chaos is allowed to exist, it will gradually shift into the desired result.

5.3 Techniques for Group Alignment (Focusing)

There are specific techniques for aligning a group or setting and strengthening the group’s hara line. A complete and rather elaborate technique will be presented first, followed by some less “esoteric” and simpler methods.

5.3.1 Grounding

The majority of people live in their upper body, their heads or in some cases, out of the body. Most people do not bring the breath into the lower abdomen. These people are not fully present and are “ungrounded”. Grounding is the act of bringing our awareness to our connection with the earth. This helps us to get our “feet on the ground” and helps us to center into our wholeness. It brings us back to the balance between upper and lower, between heaven and earth. Grounding can be improved/achieved by the following exercise:

  • The legs are spread about shoulder width apart, with the feet parallel. Most people have a tendency to have either the toes pointed inward or outward.
  • The knees are slightly bent in a solid stance.
  • The neck and back are kept straight.
  • The awareness is brought into the lower body so that the legs and feet are felt as part of the whole being. Heat or energy may be felt in the lower body.
  • One imagines growing roots down into the earth and being solidly anchored and supported.
  • The breath is drawn deeply into the lower abdomen and fully released.

The exercise will help find one’s center and truth, and will calm the mind. This is useful when feeling scattered or nervous or before going into a meeting.

5.3.2 Alignment

These are the steps to align a group of individuals to the group hara.

    • Have the group form a circle, sitting or standing (this is desired, but optional).
    • Have the group go through the following:
    • Ask them to ground.
    • Ask them to imagine a golden laser line of light in the center of the body, extending above the head and down into the earth. Tell them that this is their line of intention.
    • Invite them to align their personal purpose for being present in this group with the group’s purpose. You might use the following words “Align your personal purpose for being here with the group’s purpose which is (State the group purpose and include the words creative and fun.). Now, allow your intention to carry your essence and your longing as it cascades down through the auric field into the physical world, allowing you to share your unique gift with all who are participating here.”
    • Remind them that this work/activity is an expression of who they are at every level.
    • Pause and allow a minute or so for everyone to consciously do this.
    • Once this is done, begin the meeting or group activity.
    • If conflicts begin to arise, this means that the intention has wavered. Repeat the exercise.

5.3.3 Simplified Techniques

Although the above exercise is the ideal way to set a group intention, it may be a real challenge if you are timid, or if some of the individuals in the group might find this relatively new concept too esoteric. In these circumstances, you may want to consider alternate ways to bring everyone together. A few ways are suggested below to introduce the concept to make it more acceptable or “user-friendly” for the participants. The more the exercise is practiced, the more easily a wording will emerge that is perfect for each situation.

As group leader

“Before we begin, I would like to invite you to become conscious that your presence in this group, and the work that you do, is a representation of who you are, and allows you to contribute your unique gift to the world. Now, imagine a laser line of light going through the center or your body, connecting you all the way down to the core of the earth. This is your line of intention. Please take a moment to align your intention and personal purpose for being here now with the group objective which is (state objective). This will help our group to focus and reach our goal more quickly and with less conflict.” “OK everyone, let’s all get started. I believe our group’s purpose in getting together is “state purpose”. I invite everyone to think about the ways that this activity/meeting fits into their life/job and to set their intention to participate in a way which will result in a win/win situation. This will greatly help us to achieve our goals smoothly and rapidly.” “Does everyone remember why we are here today? Here’s how I would summarize our purpose. State purpose. Does anyone have any comments or anything to add to this? OK then, lets get started and remember to contribute in a way that everyone can bring their creativity to the group in a fun way and that everyone comes out a winner.” “This is a very important meeting/activity today. Here is what we hope to achieve. State goal. You are all here because you have something valuable to contribute. This will help our group/company grow, focus our efforts, be creative and in the end save us time and money. Does anyone have anything to add before we get started?” Remember that, the more you can bring the participants to focus inward on their life purpose using any words or phrases you can come up with, the better each will realize how this activity fits into their life and the better each will be able to align to the group’s intention.

As participant, not leading the group

The above can be easily done if you are leading the group activity or meeting because you can decide what to do and say first. However, if you are not leading the group but are one of the participants, you might use the following invitation: “Say everyone, I was just reading about (or learned) a really neat exercise to help us focus on our attention and achieve our goals. I would really appreciate if everyone was willing to go along with me and try it just this once. This will only take a minute. Is that OK with everyone?” You can then use one or a combination of the statements suggested above to align the group. They will probably ask you to do it again the next time you get together !

5.3.4 Holding a Group

If even one individual in the group has aligned his/her hara and is aligned with the group purpose, this will influence the group through harmonic induction. Thus, to some extent, you are able to hold a group even if no one has done the above exercise. You will notice that if you have aligned your purpose and set your intention to be present from your wholeness, you will interact from a place of unity. You will be able to gently bring the group back when it steers off course, especially if you remember to do it from a place of intention rather than will. Of course, the more people in the group that know this and align their hara, the stronger the group hara will be and the smoother everything will flow. This will manifest even though the exercise is not actually verbalized. Verbalizing it, however, crystallizes the intention in everyone’s mind and allows a much more creative, effective and focused activity.

5.3.5 Situations where this Technique may be Effective

The above technique can be used in many different situations. It can be used in your personal life to help align and manifest what you need. This is a great way to start the day, and it can be repeated anytime that you need to focus on a specific activity. It can be used simply to “set your intention” to manifest anything at all. This could be as simple as “I want to meet this person today” or “I need to find a more meaningful job”. Go through the exercise, say “I set my intention to ……….”, and then let it go. Letting it go means to not consciously think of how you will “will” it to happen, but to release with the trust that the universe will provide once you have set your intention. You will be surprised at how effortlessly you will achieve results. It can be used in any activity where two or more people have decided to collaborate in:

      • A task, or a meeting, or a negotiation session
      • A project where teamwork is required
      • A corporate strategy review session
      • A training session
      • A discussion with a partner about relationship
      • A meeting with your boss or employee
      • Any other activity, your imagination is the limit!

6. Personal Experience with Group Hara

The author has successfully used the above technique in the following situations:

Band Performance

The author is a member of a four-piece bluegrass band. The technique is used before every important practice, concert, or recording session, or simply anytime the group feels scattered, distracted and is having trouble focusing (ie. making mistakes, forgetting words). If other people are participating (coordinator, recording or sound engineer), they are invited to participate in the exercise. This brings them into the group hara. Invariably, the concerts are successful, fun and creative. The synergy and sense of belonging to the group are truly felt, and the audiences are delighted. The production of the group’s first CD, which was recorded live, took very little studio time and the group was very happy with the results. This technique was used at the beginning of every recording session.

Amateur Theatre Group

The author was involved in an amateur theatre group, with about 20 participants varying in age from 10 to 70 years. This technique was first used a couple of years ago before the first performance, and the group has since requested that the exercise be repeated every time.


During the last week of every year at the Barbara Brennan School, each class creates a ceremony to share the journey through the year with the rest of the school. Group hara alignment is routinely used in meetings to plan the event, at the dress rehearsal and before the final performance. It is amazing how everything that seemed chaotic until the last minute just flows together smoothly and effortlessly to everyone’s (including the audience’s) delight.


When this paper was presented to “research” audiences, this exercise was the first thing on the agenda, even before anyone knew what it meant. This helped each individual to focus and the group intention to solidify. The stated purpose was always to “be curious about this new material and be open to its applicability in our life to bring about creativity in a fun way”.

7. Feedback from Presentation of this Material to Various Groups

In the course of this project, this material was presented to 64 people in 6 different groups. 3 of the groups were engineering office personnel (41), 1 was a private network of practicing therapists (12), 1 was a team of university career counselors (6) and 1 was general public (5). A questionnaire was distributed to the participants immediately after the presentation, and another a few months later.

7.1 Summary of Answers to Questionnaires

The questionnaire filled out immediately after the presentation indicated the following results:

      • 68% had not heard about the HEF; this was their 1st introduction.
      • 79% found the relationship between the human body and the HEF clear.
      • 16% had used the principle of intention in a group context before.
      • 97% recognized the difference between will and intention.
      • 65% found the exercise in grounding useful.
      • 46% had used a similar technique in the past (prayer, stating group objective).
      • 92% clearly understood the technique to align a group after the presentation.
      • 55% foresaw using this technique in the future, and 28% did not know.
      • Most found the suggested wording adequate.
      • 81% understood how setting intention might benefit them in their personal life.
      • 90% were curious to learn more about the HEF.

The average of responses from the second questionnaire on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being no increase, 5 being a significant increase) indicated that:

      • There was a slight increase in the awareness of whether a group was aligned (1.7/5).
      • There was moderate increase in peoples’ awareness of their own intention (2.5/5).
      • There was a slight increase in awareness in energetic interactions between people (2/5).
      • There was a slight increase in awareness in the difference between will and intention (2/5).
      • 45% wished they could have used this technique in some of the meetings they attended.
      • 89% has not used the technique since the presentation.

7.2 Personal Feedback from the Presentation Audiences

The following is feedback received from some of the individuals that attended the seminars.

Student Project

8-10 students of group dynamics had to create a skit representing what they had learned in the course. They chose to act out scenes from the popular movie “Matrix”. At the suggestion of one of the students at the dress rehearsal, they all agreed to try out the group hara exercise. Satisfied with the outcome, the group requested that the exercise be repeated before the actual performance. The resulting presentation went very well and got very good grades.

Human Resources Manager – Engineering Office

“I try to center my intention before every important or delicate interaction so that I can get the right message across. I try more and more to tell the person I am meeting what the purpose of our meeting is so that we can point our energies in the same direction. I have noticed a positive change in myself. I understand more I and am more receptive and I can return to a balanced state much more quickly than before. I am less and less defensive and accept that I cannot have all the answers and solve all the situations.”

Engineer – Manager of Proposals

“I use what you have taught us every day. This helps me to be more focused on the day’s purpose. This allows me a few moments to choose how I want my day to unfold and what I want to accomplish this day.”

Drum Circle Participant

“Using group hara in our drum circle has resulted in the work becoming focused and strong and the solidity can be felt in the room. A lot of work and individual healing gets done.”

Workshop Participant

“It blew me away and melted my heart that my own individual longings and intent were welcome and embraced and held by the group and I felt SO empowered, so welcome, SO BELONGING, to be asked/expected to help others hold their own hara. Few words were spoken, but the feeling was palpable. Throughout the weekend, prior to each segment, and after every break, we would circle up and reset our individual and group hara. Had I known this procedure, it would have made a HUGE difference in my corporate career.”

8. Summary and Conclusion

The physical body is an energetic configuration. Everyone is holographically interconnected with everything in the universe. The HEF nourishes the human body and holds emotions, thoughts and beliefs before they manifest in the physical world. The HEF is also a vehicle for interpersonal relationships. The hara dimension carries our intention. Our Core Star holds our essence and our divinity. Childhood experiences lead to automatic responses that cause distortions in the field, and in an individual’s intention. As the creative impulse emerges from one’s core, it is distorted as it cascades down through the dimensions of intention and aura to manifest in the physical world. This results in conflicts in relationships and group interactions. Understanding and using group hara can be used very effectively to:

      • realign oneself with one’s personal purpose for participation in a group;
      • focus the group and enhance the participation and creativity of every individual in the group by aligning each individual’s life purpose with the group’s purpose;
      • manifest what one longs for in life and bring about desired changes.

This technique can be used in personal and group activities, at the workplace or in leisure activity, in such a way that those unfamiliar with the concepts will accept and embrace it once they have experienced it for the first time. By using the technique, conflicts are minimized, fear is dispersed and creativity flows. This allows each individual to contribute their unique gift to the group and therefore the world. Individual ideas, rather than not being expressed, are enhanced and contribute to the final outcome. Everybody wins. Presentation of these concepts to uninitiated individuals was effective in introducing the concept of the four dimensions of humankind and the technique of group alignment. Most gained an increase awareness of the impact of setting intention as a group and many were curious to continue to learn more about these new concepts. These are encouraging results and indicate that further work in this field will be very beneficial in the corporate and personal environment as awareness of the importance of intention increases.


Brennan, Barbara Ann, Le pouvoir bénéfique des mains (Hands of Light, A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, Bantam Books, 1988, ISBN 0-553-34539-7)

  1. Brennan, Barbara Ann, Guérir par la lumière (Light Emerging, The Journey of Personal Healing, Bantam Books, 1993, ISBN 0-553-35456-6)
  2. Gerber, Richard, Vibrational Medicine¸ Bear & Company Publishing, 1988, ISBN 1-879181-28-2
  3. Von Dürckheim, Karlfried.Graf. Hara: The Vital Center of Man (S. Von Kospoth & E. Healey, Trans), London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1962, (original work published 1956).
  4. Luisa Jaffé, PS4 project for BBSH-2000, The Power of Intention: How to bring our longings to manifestation
  5. Yamaoka, S. The Art and the Way of Hara, Singapore: Heian, 1992, (original work published in 1976)
  6. Markert, C. Dan-Tien: Your Secret Energy Center, York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, inc.
  7. Almaas, H. Diamond Heart Book 3: Being and the Meaning of Life
  8. Whiteside, John, The Phoenix Agenda
  9. Whiteside, John & Egli, Sandra, Flight of the Phoenix
  10. Pathwork Guide, Lecture #195, Identification With the Spiritual Self to Overcome Negative Intentionality
  11. Barbara Brennan School of Healing (BBSH), Student Workbook Year 3, AK 8
  12. Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1992, ISBN 0-06-092258-3

The Power of Intent

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