The Reiki positions shown on the following pages are the basic positions which are aligned with the chakras, the endocrine glands and the major joints. These are the places on the body where the energy penetrates the easiest into the energy field.
The suggested time is three minutes per position. In the beginning, it is important to give yourself that time on all the positions so you can learn to sense the energy.
As you gain experience and develop your senses you will learn to sense whether you need to stay longer or not on a given position. Follow your intuition.
Once you have done all the basic positions, you can then lay your hands on the other parts of the body that need attention, either those to which you are drawn or those mentioned by the client.
Here is a summary of the positions.
Self TreatmentFront
Treatment on othersFront
Positions – self reiki
Positions – Treatment on others
Mental / Emotional treatment
Quick treatment
Count nine heartbeats at each of the positions